How can I get a copy of the user manual?

Click here to download a HERCULES Stands user manual.

Is SFF (Special Formulated Foam) safe for Nitrocellulose lacquer finish?

HERCULES takes great pride in providing you with the highest quality and most trusted stands in the world. HERCULES had conducted numerous trials on our SFF foam and is pleased to conclude that the foam does NOT react with the large majority of popular instrument finishes on the market, including Nitrocellulose. These trials included subjecting an assortment of high end and budget friendly instruments on our variety of stands to punishing heat, bitter cold and common room temperatures for periods of up to six months without disruption.

However, each instrument manufacturer has their own formulation of Nitrocellulose, with varying proportions of the chemical agents involved. There are thousands of variations of lacquer in use in today’s instrument manufacturing processes, making it impossible to test them all. Therefore, to maintain the level of respect and support your valuable instrument deserves, we recommend you refer to your instrument's owner’s manual for more information regarding the proper storage of your instrument.


How do I get warranty service for my HERCULES Stands?

Click here to contact HERCULES local distributors for warranty service.


How can I find music stores that carry HERCULES products?

Click here to find a HERCULES Stands dealer near you.

Can I buy directly from HERCULES?

You can only purchase HERCULES through an Authorized HERCULES Dealer.


I had a part break, what do I do?

Please contact our global distrubutors where you purchased the product with all available details.


How can I contact someone for product assistance?

Click here to get in contact with us.